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Sept 03 |
30th Anniversary (1976), Viking 2, Mars Landing |
Sept 07 - |
Partial Lunar Eclipse |
Sept 08- |
40th Anniversary (1966), 1st Star Trek Episode on TV (A great time to begin the new school year with a unit contrasting science fiction and science fact through literature.) |
Sept 12- |
40th Anniversary (1966), Gemini 11 Launch (Charles Conrad and Richard Gordon) |
Sept 15- |
15th Anniversary (1991), UARS Launch from Space Shuttle Discovery (Have students learn about the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite and its modern day equivalent. Research global warming studies, related changes in weather patterns, and more.) |
Sept 22- |
Annular Solar Eclipse |
Sept 22- |
Autumnal Equinox, 04:03 UT |
Sept 23- |
160th Anniversary (1846), Johann Galle’s Discovery of Neptune |
Oct 04-10 |
Oct 09 |
Draconids Meteor Shower Peak |
Oct. 8-14 |
Earth Science Week
Visit Rock Around the World |
Oct 21 |
Orionids Meteor Shower Peak |
Oct 22 |
40th Anniversary (1966), Luna 12 Launch (USSR Moon Orbiter) |
Oct 23 |
Oct 24 |
MESSENGER, 1st Venus Flyby |
Oct 24 |
155th Anniversary (1851), William Lassell's Discovery of Uranus Moons Umbriel and Ariel |
Oct 25 |
Cassini, Titan Flyby |
Oct 25 |
335th Anniversary (1671), Giovanni Cassini's Discovery of Saturn Moon Iapetus |
Oct 28 |
35th Anniversary (1971), Great Britian's First Space Launch (Prospero) |
Oct 29 |
Daylight Saving Set Clock Back 1 Hour (Europe, North America) |
Oct 30 |
Comet Faye Closest Approach To Earth (0.685 AU) |
Oct 30 |
Comet Shoemaker 1 Closest Approach To Earth (1.522 AU) |
Oct 30 |
Comet Smirnova-Chernykh Closest Approach To Earth (3.524 AU) |
Nov ?? |
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Mars Science Mapping Begins |
Nov 03 |
Taurids Meteor Shower Peak |
Nov 07 |
10th Anniversary (1996), Mars Global Surveyor Launch |
Nov 07 |
40th Anniversary (1966), Lunar Orbiter 2 Launch |
Nov 08 |
Arabsat 4B Proton Breeze M Launch |
Nov 08 |
Mercury Transits the Sun |
Nov 08 |
Edmund Halley's 350th Birthday (1656) |
Nov 11 |
40th Anniversary (1966), Gemini 12 Launch (Jim Lovell and Buzz Aldrin) |
Nov 12 |
25th Anniversary (1981), Space Shuttle Columbia Launch (STS-2) |
Nov 14 |
35th Anniversary (1971), Mariner 9, Mars Orbit Insertion |
Nov 17 |
Leonids Meteor Shower Peak
In 1833 this shower was first discovered. Every 33 years there is an increase in activity making it especially spectacular-as in 1966 (40 years ago.) The reason for the increased intensity is due to the proximity of Comet Tempel-Tuttle (which has a period of 32.9 years) in relation to the Earth. |
Nov 17 |
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 6 Perihelion (1.128 AU) |
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 6 Closest Approach To Earth (0.773 AU) |
Nov 25 |
Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 Closest Approach To Earth (4.887 AU) |
Nov 29 |
45th Anniversary (1961), Mercury 5 Launch (Enos the Chimpanzee) |
Dec 04 |
10th Anniversary (1996), Mars Pathfinder Launch |
Dec 07 |
STS-116 Launch, Space Shuttle Discovery, P5 Truss Segment, (International Space Station 12A.1) |
Dec 12 |
Cassini, Titan Flyby |
Dec 12 |
45th Anniversary (1961), Oscar 1 Launch |
Dec 13 |
Geminids Meteor Shower Peak |
Dec 19 |
10th Anniversary (1996), Galileo, Europa 4 Flyby |
Dec 21 |
40th Anniversary (1966), Luna 13 Launch (USSR Moon Lander) |
Dec 22 |
Winter Solstice, 00:22 UT |
Dec 22 |
Ursids Meteor Shower Peak |
Jan ?? |
5th Anniversary (2002), Discovery of NWA 1110 Meteorite (Mars Meteorite) |
Jan 03 |
Quadrantids Meteor Shower Peak |
Jan 06 |
Deep Impact Near-Mars Flyby (0.033 AU) |
Jan 11 |
220th Anniversary (1787), William Herschell's Discovery of Uranus Moons Titania and Oberon |
Jan 19 |
5th Anniversary (2002), Discovery of SAU 090 Meteorite (Mars Meteorite) |
Jan 26 |
45th Anniversary (1962), Ranger 3 Launch |
Jan 27 |
40th Anniversary (1967), Apollo 1 Fire (Gus Grissom, Edward White & Roger Chaffee) |
Jan 28 |
21st Anniversary (1986), Challenger tragedy (Dick Scobee, Mike Smith, Ellison Onizuka, Judy Resnick, Ron McNair, Greg Jarvis, Christa McAuliffe) |
Feb 04 |
40th Anniversary (1967), Lunar Orbiter 3 Launch |
Feb 07 |
Progress M-59 Launch (International Space Station 24P) |
Feb 07 |
Cassini, Orbital Trim Maneuver #93 (OTM-93) |
Feb 07 |
Chinese New Year |
Feb 20 |
45th Anniversary (1962), Friendship 7 Launch (John Glenn) |
Feb 22 |
STS-117 Launch, Space Shuttle Atlantis, S3/S4 Truss PV Arrays, (International Space Station 13A) |
Feb 22 |
Cassini, Titan Flyby |
Feb 23 |
20th Anniversary (1987), Supernova 1987A Explosion |
Feb 25 |
Rosetta, Mars Flyby (European Space Agency, launched March 2, 2004) |
Feb 28 |
Mar ?? |
Lunar TrailBlazer Dnepr 1 Launch (Commerical Moon Orbiter) |
Mar 1 |
International Polar Year begins |
Mar 02 |
35th Anniversary (1972), Pioneer 10 Launch (Jupiter Flyby Mission) |
Mar 08 |
30th Anniversary (1977), Discovery of Uranus' Rings |
Mar 09 |
Soyuz TMA-10 Soyuz FG Launch (International Space Station 14S) |
Mar 11 |
Daylight Saving Set Clock Ahead 1 Hour (North America) |
Mar 16 |
45th Anniversary (1962), 1st Titan 2 Rocket Launch |
Mar 21 |
Vernal Equinox, 00:07 UT |
Mar 23 |
Wernher von Braun's 95th Birthday (1912-1977) Between the 1930s and 1970s he was one of the most important rocket developers and proponent of space exploration. As a young reader of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells' science fiction, von Braun became fascinated with the dreams of space exploration and studied calculus and trigonometry in order to understand how rockets worked. |
Apr 09 |
Progress M-60 Soyuz U Launch (International Space Station 25P) |
Apr 11-17 |
Astronomy Week |
Apr 16 |
Astronomy Day |
Apr 16 |
35th Anniversary (1972), Apollo 16 Launch (Manned Moon Landing) |
Apr 16 |
Wilbur Wright's 140th Birthday (1867) |
Apr 16 |
Leonardo DaVinci's 555th Birthday (1452) |
Apr 17 |
40th Anniversary (1967), Surveyor 3 Launch (Moon Lander) |
Apr 19 |
25th Anniversary (1982), Salyut 7 Space Station Launch |
Apr 22 |
Lyrids Meteor Shower Peak |
Apr 22 |
Earth Day-Sun-Earth Day |
May 04 |
40th Anniversary (1967), Lunar Orbiter 4 Launch |
May 05 |
Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak |
May 24 |
45th Anniversary (1962), Aurora 7 Launch (Scott Carpenter) |
Jun 06 |
MESSENGER, 2nd Venus Flyby |
Jun 14 |
40th Anniversary (1967), Mariner 5 Launch (Venus Flyby Mission) |
Jun 20 |
Summer Solstice, 20:24 UT |
Jun-28 |
STS-118 Launch, Space Shuttle Endeavour, S5 Truss Segment (International Space Station 13A.1)- with FIRST EDUCATOR ASTRONAUT, Barbara Morgan |
Fourth Quarter 2004 & 2005
20th Anniversary of Vermont Space Education Program
Sept 08 - Progress M-54 Soyuz U Launch to International Space Station (Successful)
Sept 08 - 30th Anniversary (1975), Viking 2 Launch (Mars Orbiter/Lander)
Sept 12 - Registration opens for NASA Quest Mars Analog Challenge (hot link this phrase-don't show the direct URL http://quest.nasa.gov/challenges/marsanalog/
Sept 15 - Deadline to Send Your Name to Pluto
Sept 22 - Autumnal Equinox, 22:23 UT (Universal Time) The date (near September 22 in the northern
hemisphere) when night and day are nearly of the same length and the Sun crosses the celestial equator (i.e., declination 0) moving southward (in the northern hemisphere.) The date marks the official first day of the autumn season.
Sept 24 - John Young's 75th Birthday (1930)-He's famous-do you know who he is and why he is an
important person? He'd be a great topic for a biographical report about space explorers.
Sept 26 -Cassini studies Hyperion at a range of 1,010 kilometers (628 miles), the closest approach ever to
the tiny moon. It will be Cassini's only visit to the moon during the primary mission. (Are your students aware of the current Cassini mission to Saturn?)
Sept 30 - 30th Anniversary (1975), Charles Kowal's Discovery of Jupiter Moon Themisto
Oct 01 - Soyuz TMA-7 Soyuz FG Launch to International Space Station 11S
Oct 04-10 - World Space Week: The theme for World Space Week 2005 is "Discovery and Imagination."
This theme encourages participants to focus World Space Week 2005 programs on solar system
exploration, as well as the positive impacts of space exploration on discovery and the human
imagination. These dates were chosen to commemorate two significant events in space history.
On October 4, 1957 Sputnik I became the first human-made satellite to be launched into outer space. On October 10, 1967 the United Nations Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies went into effect. Each year World Space Week tries to encourage, educate and support space exploration world-wide through various programs and activities centered around a central theme.
Oct 06 - 15th Anniversary (1990), Ulysses Launch (Solar Polar Orbiter)
Oct 09 - Draconids Meteor Shower Peak (The radiant for the meteors will have them coming from the
Northwest, to the left and above the Big Dipper and Polaris, the North Star-by the constellation Draco.
Oct 11 - Cassini turns its instruments on Dione from a distance of 500 kilometers (311 miles).
Oct 13 - NASA Quest webchat: Mars Analog
Oct 16 - 30th Anniversary (1975), GOES 1 Launch (1st Weather Satellite in Geosynchronous Orbit)
Oct 17 - Partial Lunar Eclipse
Oct 21 - Orionids Meteor Shower Peak (The radiant for the meteors will have them coming East of Orion's
belt in the constellation Orion.)
Oct 30 - Daylight Savings - Set Clock Back 1 Hour (Europe, North America)
Oct. 31 - NASA Quest Mars Analog Preliminary Designs due (experts give feedback 10/31 - 11/7)
Nov 03 - Taurids Meteor Shower Peak (The Northern Taurids are active from October 12 to December 2.
Maximum is also of long duration and extends over November 4-7. First discovered in 1869.)
Nov 08 - 45th Anniversary (1960), Little Joe 5 Launch (Space History-What do your students know
about the Mercury missions?)
Nov 09 - Carl Sagan's 71st Birthday (1934) --Read his book or watch the video: Contact
Nov 14 - 36th Anniversary (1969), Apollo 12 Launch (Manned Moon Mission)
Nov 12 - 25th Anniversary (1980), Voyager 1, Saturn Flyby
Nov 17 - Leonids Meteor Shower Peak (Look East for the constellation Leo.)
Nov 21 - NASA Quest Mars Analog-final designs due and are posted on line.
Nov 26 - Cassini, Rhea Flyby (Where did the name Rhea come from? How close will Cassini be to Rhea?)
Nov 29 - 5th Anniversary (2000), Discovery of Y000593 Meteorite (Mars Meteorite found in Antarctica. Why is this significant?)
Dec 01 - 45th Anniversary (1960), Sputnik 6 Launch (Carried Two Dogs: Pchelka & Mushka)
The first men and women who traveled in space - in the 1960s - depended on the sacrifices of other animals that gave their lives for the advancement of human knowledge about the conditions in outer space beyond this planet's protective ozone layer, about the effects of weightlessness on living organisms, and about the effects of stress on behavior. Preparations for human space activities depended on the ability of animals that flew during and after the 1940s to survive and thrive. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to all these noble animals. This is a difficult subject-especially for an avid animal lover like me-- but an important ethical one to research and discuss the pros and cons.
Dec 02 - 10th Anniversary (1995), SOHO Launch (A joint mission project between the European Space Agency and NASA to study our Sun.)
Dec 04 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Gemini 7 Launch (Frank Borman & Jim Lovell) Do your students know the importance of these Gemini missions?
Dec 06 - NASA Quest Mars Analog-final Webcast for the project.
Dec 07 - Gerard Kuiper's 100th Birthday (1905) Do your students know who this important person was and his significant achievements?
Dec 08 - 15th Anniversary (1990), Galileo, 1st Earth Flyby
Dec 10 - 55th Anniversary (1950), St. Louis Meteorite Fall (Hit Car)
Dec 13 - MESSENGER, Deep Space Maneuver #1 (DSM-1) A NASA orbital mission to learn more about Mercury.
Dec 13 - Geminids Meteor Shower Peak (Look East by the stars Castor and Pollux; to the left of Betelgeuse.)
Dec 21 - Winter Solstice, 18:35 UT
Dec 22 - Ursids Meteor Shower Peak (Look North, just below and to the right of Polaris, the North Star)
Jan How many of Uranus' moons were discovered 20 years ago? (January 1986)
Jan 01 - 205th Anniversary (1801), Guiseppe Piazzi's Discovery of the First Asteroid (Ceres)
Jan 02 - Isaac Asimov's 86th Birthday (1920) --Read one of his MANY books.
Jan 02 - Leslie Peltier's 106th Birthday (1900) --Have students research to find out about her.
Jan 03 - Quadrantids Meteor Shower Peak (Look Northeast, below the Big Dipper.)
Jan 03 - 20th Anniversary (1986), Stephen Synnott's Discovery of Uranus Moons Juliet & Portia
Jan 06 - Comet Shoemaker-Levy 7 Closest Approach to Earth
Jan 09 - 6th Anniversary (1990), STS-32 Columbia Launch (LDEF Satellite) --Tomato Seeds flew into space; what else was on LDEF? How long was LDEF in orbit? What happened to LDEF? Plant some of the Tomato Seeds from Space.
Jan 10 - Robert Wilson's 70th Birthday (1936) Why is this significant?
Jan 15 - Stardust, Capsule Return to Earth (This is exciting! If this is a successful return and retrieval, then what more will we learn from the comet samples?)
Jan 19 - 166th Anniversary (1840), Discovery of Antarctica (Learn about Mars meteorites found here-or explorations, including the use of sled dog teams. Have Atii Sled Dogs come visit your students.)
Jan 20 - Buzz Aldrin's 76th Birthday (1930) -- Do your students know who he is?
Jan 24 - 20th Anniversary (1986), Voyager 2, Uranus Flyby
Jan 28 - 20th Anniversary (1986), Space Shuttle Challenger Tragedy. Barbara R. Morgan, the back up space flight teacher participant for Christa McAuliffe (both from NASA's Teacher in Space Program), is now a fully trained astronaut and official member of NASA's Astronaut Corps. Morgan has numerous assignments and is training for her flight to the International Space Station-hopefully during 2006 or 2007.
Jan 29 - Chinese New Year--Do your students know the connection and history of fireworks and rockets?
Jan 31 - 35th Anniversary (1971), Apollo 13 Launch (3rd Manned Moon Landing)
Jan 31 - 40th Anniversary (1966), Luna 9 Launch (USSR Moon Lander)
Jan 31 - 45th Anniversary (1961), Mercury-Redstone 2 Launch (Ham the Chimpanzee)
Feb 03 - 40th Anniversary (1966), Luna 9 Landing on the Moon (1st Moon Landing)
Feb 04 - Clyde Tombaugh's 100th Birthday (1906) Discovered Pluto-among many other important contributions to astronomy.
Feb 06 - 15th Anniversary (1991), Salyut-7 Planned burn up In Earth's Atmosphere (Soviet Union Space Station)
Feb 11 - 10th Anniversary (1996), Saturn Ring Plane Crossing (3 of 3) During a ring plane crossing when the rings appear "edge-on" to Earth, the glare from the rings is reduced considerably, and faint objects near Saturn are easier to see. Many of Saturn's moons have been discovered during ring plane crossing events.
Feb 20 - 20th Anniversary (1986), Mir Space Station Launch
Feb 22 - Progress M-56 Soyuz FG Launch (International Space Station 21P) Progress will bring supplies to the ISS orbiting crew members.
Feb 22 - 45th Anniversary (1966), Kosmos 110 Launch (Carried Two Dogs: Veterok & Ugolvok)
Feb 27 - Cassini, Titan Flyby
MARCH 2006
Mar 06 - 20th Anniversary (1986), Vega 1, Comet Halley Flyby
Mar 09 - 45th Anniversary (1961), Sputnik 9 Launch (Carried Dog Named Chernushka)
Mar 10- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Mars Orbit Insertions
Mar 13 - 225th Anniversary (1781), William Herschel's Discovery of Uranus
Mar 14 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
Mar 16 - 40th Anniversary (1966), Gemini 9 Launch (Neil Armstrong & David Scott)
Mar 16 - 80th Anniversary (1926), 1st Liquid Fuel Rocket Launch by Robert Goddard
Mar 18 - 41st Anniversary (1965), 1st Spacewalk, Leonov on Voskhod 2
Mar 19 - Cassini, Titan Flyby
Mar 20 - Vernal Equinox, 18:26 UT
Mar 22 - Soyuz TMA-8 Soyuz FG Launch (International Space Station 12S)
Mar 25 - 10th Anniversary (1996), Comet Hyakutake Near-Earth Flyby
Mar 25 - 45th Anniversary (1961), Sputnik 10 Launch (Carried Dog Named Zyezdochka)
APRIL 2005
Apr 02 - Daylight Saving - Set Clock Ahead 1 Hour
Apr 05 - 15th Anniversary (1991), Compton Gamma Ray Observatory Launch
Apr 11 - 36th Anniversary (1970), Apollo 13 Launch (Have students read the book by astronaut Jim Lovell-or pull out the Tom Hank's video. Have the students do some hands on problem solving just like the crew did. "Failure is not an option.")
Apr 12 - 25th Anniversary (1981), 1st Space Shuttle Launch (Robert Crippen & John Young)
Apr 12 - 45th Anniversary (1961), 1st Person in Space, Yuri Gagarin (USSR)
Apr 17 - 30th Anniversary (1976), Closest Ever Flyby of the Sun by Spacecraft (Helios 2)
Apr 19 - 35th Anniversary (1971), Salyut 1 Launch (1st Space Station)
Apr 22 - Lyrids Meteor Shower Peak. Look towards the Northeast, in the constellation Lyra, above and to the right of Cygnus the Swan (the Northern Cross.)
Apr 24 - 16th Anniversary (1990), Hubble Space Telescope Launch (STS-31)
Apr 30 - Cassini, Titan Flyby
MAY 2005
May ?? - STS-115 Launch, Space Shuttle Atlantis, MEPSI 3A & 3B, (International Space Station 12A)
May 1-7- International Astronomy Week
May 05 - Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak (Look between the East and Southeast portion of the sky below Altair.)
May 05 - 45th Anniversary (1961), Freedom 7 Launch (Alan Shepard, 1st US Man in Space)
May 6 - International Astronomy Day
May 20 - Cassini, Titan Flyby
May 25 - 5th Anniversary (2001), Galileo, Callisto 30 Flyby
May 25 - 45th Anniversary (1961), John F. Kennedy's Moon Goal Speech (Have your students heard this historic, motivational, inspirational speech?)
May 30 - 35th Anniversary (1971), Mariner 9 Launch (USA Mars Orbiter)
May 30 - 40th Anniversary (1966), Surveyor 1 Launch (USA Moon Lander)
JUNE 2006
Jun ?? - Lunar Trail Blazer Dnepr 1 Launch (Commerical Moon Orbiter-US private company and Russian private space company agreement for first commercial moon orbiter mission)
Jun 03 - 40th Anniversary (1966), Gemini 9 Launch (Thomas Stafford & Eugene Cernan)
Jun 03 - 41st Anniversary (1965), Gemini 4 Launch, USA's First Spacewalk
(Ed White)
Jun 21 - Summer Solstice, 12:26 UT
Jun 22 - 30th Anniversary (1976), Salyut 5 Launch (USSR Space Station)
Jun 27 - 10th Anniversary (1996), Galileo, Ganymede 1 Flyby
Jun 30 - 35th Anniversary (1971), Death of 3 Cosmonauts in Soyuz 11
JULY 2006
Jul 01 - Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum's 30th Birthday (1976) (This is a great place to visit!)
Jul 13 - ?? STS-117 Launch, Space Shuttle Endeavour, International Space Station 13A
Jul 18 - 40th Anniversary (1966), Gemini 10 Launch (John Young & Michael Collins)
Jul 20 - 30th Anniversary (1976), Viking 1, Mars Landing
Jul 21 - 45th Anniversary (1961), Mercury 4 Launch (Gus Grissom, Liberty Bell 7)
Jul 26 - 35th Anniversary (1971), Apollo 15 Launch (4th Manned Moon Landing)
Jul 29 - South Delta-Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak (Look up between the Southeast and South part of the sky.)
Jul 30 - 5th Anniversary (2001), MAP, Moon Flyby
Aug ?? - STS-116 Launch, Space Shuttle Discovery (International Space Station 12A.1)
Aug 05 - Neil Armstrong's 76th Birthday (1930) Do your students know who he is?
Aug 06 - Southern Iota Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak
Aug 07 - 10th Anniversary (1996), Announcement of Possible Microfossils Found in ALH84001 Martian Meteorite
Aug 10 - 40th Anniversary (1966), Lunar Orbiter 1 Launch
Aug 12 - Perseids Meteor Shower Peak (Face the Northeast and look above and to the left of the Pleiades constellation.)
Aug 16 - Mars Solstice (Beginning of Northern Winter)
Aug 17 - 40th Anniversary (1966) Pioneer 7 Launch
Aug 19 - Orville Wright's 135th Birthday (1871)
Aug 25 - Northern Iota Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak
Aug 26 - 25th Anniversary (1981), Voyager 2, Saturn Flyby
Sept 03 - 30th Anniversary (1976), Viking 2, Mars Landing
Sept 07 - Partial Lunar Eclipse
Sept 08 - 40th Anniversary (1966), 1st Star Trek Episode on TV (A great time to begin the new school year with a unit contrasting science fiction and science fact through literature.)
Sept 12 - 40th Anniversary (1966), Gemini 11 Launch (Charles Conrad and Richard Gordon)
Sept 15 - 15th Anniversary (1991), UARS Launch from Space Shuttle Discovery (Have students learn about the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite and its modern day equivalent. Research global warming studies, related changes in weather patterns, and more.)
Sept 22 - Annular Solar Eclipse
Sept 22 - Autumnal Equinox, 04:03 UT
Sept 23 - 160th Anniversary (1846), Johann Galle's Discovery of Neptune
Sept 20 - Mars Solstice (Beginning of Northern Summer)
Sept 21 - 30th Anniversary (1974), Mariner 10, 2nd Mercury Flyby
Sept 21 - Gustav Holst's 130th Birthday (1874)
Sept 22 - Autumnal Equinox, 16:30 UT
Sept 29 - SpaceShipOne Launch F-2 (2nd Private Manned Space Flight), Successful
Oct 3 - Space Ship One Launch-Burt Rutan's spacecraft wins $10M Xprize as first human flight spacecraft into space consecutive times
Oct 4-10 - World Space Week
Oct 9 - Draconids Meteor Shower Peaks
Oct 14 - Partial Solar Eclipse-visible from Alaska, Russia, Pacific Ocean
Oct 21 - Orionids Meteor Shower Peaks
Oct 23 - Soyuz TNA-5-Returns to Earth from ISS
Oct 26 - DART Pegasus XL Launch
Cassini, 1st targeted Tital Flyby
Oct 27 - Lunar Eclipse
Oct 29 - Oblik Soyuz 2-1A Launch to ISS
Oct 31 - Daylight Saving-Set Clock Back 1 Hour
Nov 03 - Taurids Meteor Shower Peak
Nov 09 - Carl Sagan's 70th Birthday (1934) --Read his book or watch the video: Contact
Nov 14 - 35th Anniversary (1969), Apollo 12 Launch (Manned Moon Mission)
Nov 15 - SMART-1, Moon Orbit Insertion
Nov 17 - Leonids Meteor Shower Peak
Nov 20 - Edwin Hubble's 115th Birthday (1889) --Good research project. Who is he? What were his achievments?
Nov 26 - 5th Anniversary (1999), Galileo Io 25 Flyby
Nov 28 - 40th Anniversary (1964), Mariner 4 Launch (Mars Flyby Mission)
Dec 02 - 30th Anniversary (1974), Pioneer 11, Jupiter Flyby
Dec 03 - 100th Anniversary (1904), Charles Perrine's Discovery of Himalia (Jupiter Moon)
Dec 10 - 20th Anniversary (1984), Claxton Meteorite Fall (Hit Mailbox)
Dec 10 - 30th Anniversary (1974), Helios 1 Launch (Solar Orbiter
Dec 13 - Cassini, 2nd Titan Flyby
Dec 13 - Geminids Meteor Shower Peak
Dec 13 - Sir William Hunter McCrea's 100th Birthday (1904)
Dec 15 - 20th Anniversary (1984), Vega 1 Launch (Soviet Venus/Comet Halley Mission)
Dec 20 - Mt. Wilson Solar Observatory's 100th Birthday (1904)
Dec 21 - Winter Solstice, 12:42 UT
Dec 22 - Ursids Meteor Shower Peak
Dec 23 - Progress M-51 Soyuz U Launch (International Space Station 16P)
Dec 23 - Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 3 Closest Approach To Earth (1.947 AU)
Dec 24 - Cassini, Huygens Probe Release
Dec 26 - 30th Anniversary (1974), Salyut 4 Launch (Soviet Space Station)
Dec 27 - 20th Anniversary (1984), Discovery of ALH 84001 (Mars Meteorite)
Dec 27 - 100th Anniversary (1904), Max Wolf's Discovery of Asteroid 553 Kundry
Dec 28 - Maarten Schmidt's 75th Birthday (1929)
Dec 31 - Robert Aiken's 140th Birthday (1864)
Jan 02 - Isaac Asimov's 85th Birthday (1920) --Read one of his MANY books.
Jan 02 - Leslie Peltier's 105th Birthday (1900) --Have students research to find out who she is.
Jan 03 - Quadrantids Meteor Shower Peak
Jan 05 - 100th Anniversary (1905), Charles Perrine's Discovery of Jupiter Moon Elara
Jan 05 - Asteroid 2001 Einstein Closest Approach To Earth (1.154 AU)
Jan 05 - Asteroid 2069 Hubble Closest Approach To Earth (1.646 AU)
Jan 06 -20th Anniversary (1985), La Criolla Meteorite Fall (Hit House)
Jan 07 -395th Anniversary (1610), Galileo Galilei's Discovery of Jupiter Moons Io, Europa and Callisto
Jan 09 - 15th Anniversary (1990), STS-32 Columbia Launch (LDEF Satellite) --Tomato Seeds flew into space; what else was on LDEF? How long was LDEF in orbit? What happened to LDEF?
Jan 11 - 395th Anniversary (1610), Galileo Galilei's Discovery of Jupiter Moon Ganymede
Jan 14 - Huygens Probe Lands on Titan
Jan 14 - Cassini, Titan Flyby
Jan 19 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Gemini 2 launch (Unmanned Suborbital Flight)
Jan 19 - 165th Anniversary (1840), Discovery of Antarctica
Jan 20 - Buzz Aldrin's 75th Birthday (1930) -- Do your students know who he is?
Jan 24 - 15th Anniversary (1990), Hiten Launch (Japan Moon Orbiter)
Feb 09 - Chinese New Year--Do your students know the connection and
history of fireworks and rockets?
Feb 09 - 15th Anniversary (1990), Galileo, Venus Flyby
Feb 11 - 35th Anniversary (1970), Ohsumi Launch (Japan's 1st Satellite)
Feb 14 - 5th Anniversary (2000), NEAR, Asteroid Eros Orbit Insertion
Feb 14 - 15th Anniversary (1990), Voyager 1, Family Portrait Images
Feb 15 - Cassini, Titan Flyby
Feb 15 - Venus Passes 0.9 Degrees From Neptune
Feb 15 - Comet Tempel 2 Perihelion (1.427 AU)
Feb 17 - Cassini, Enceladus Non-Targeted Flyby
Feb 17 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Ranger 8 Launch (Moon Impact Mission)
Feb 18 - 75th Anniversary (1930), Clyde Tombaugh's Discovery of Pluto
Feb 28 - Progress M1-12 Soyuz FG Launch (International Space Station 17P)
MARCH 2005
Mar 04 - Giovanni Schiaparelli's 170th Birthday (1835)
Mar 08 - 100th Anniversary (1905), Max Wolf's Discovery of Asteroid 559 Nanon--Have students research Max Wolf. How many asteroids did he discover? Any other discoveries made by him?
Mar 11 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Pioneer 5 Launch (Solar Orbiter)
Mar 13 - Percival Lowell's 150th Birthday (1855)
Mar 16 - 30th Anniversary (1975), Mariner 10, 3rd Mercury Flyby
Mar 17 - Jim Irwin's 75th Birthday (1930) --Do your students (or you) know who this is?
Mar 18 - 25th Anniversary (1980), Soviet Rocket Launch Explosion (48 Dead)
Mar 18 - 40th Anniversary (1965), 1st Spacewalk, Leonov On Voskhod 2
Mar 20 - Vernal Equinox, 12:33 UT
Mar 21 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Ranger 9 Launch (Moon Impact Mission)
Mar 22 - Mars Equinox (Beginning of Northern Fall)
Mar 23 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Gemini 3 Launch (Virgil Grissom, John Young)
Mar 25 -[Oct 11] Cryosat Rokot-KM Launch
Mar 25 - 350th Anniversary (1655), Christiaan Huygens' Discovery of Saturn Moon Titan
Mar 29 - Cassini, Enceladus Flyby
Mar 31 - Cassini, Titan Flyby
APRIL 2005
Apr 01 - 45th Anniversary (1960), Tiros 1 Launch (1st Weather Satellite)
Apr 03 - Daylight Saving - Set Clock Ahead 1 Hour (North America)
Apr 04 - American Rocket Society's 75th Birthday (1930)
Apr 06 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Intelsat 1 Launch (1st Commercial Communications Satellite)
Apr 08 - Hybrid Solar Eclipse (Visible From Pacific Ocean, Central America)
Apr 11 - 35th Anniversary (1970), Apollo 13 Launch
Apr 11-17 - Astronomy Week
Apr 13 - 45th Anniversary (1960), Transit 1B Launch (1st Experimental Navigation Satellite)
Apr 15 - Soyuz TMA-6 Soyuz FG Launch (International Space Stations 11S)
Apr 15 - CloudSat/Calipso Delta 2 Launch
Apr 16 - Astronomy Day
Apr 16 - Cassini, Titan Flyby
Apr 22 - Lyrids Meteor Shower Peak
Apr 24 - Lunar Eclipse
Apr 24 - 15th Anniversary (1990), Hubble Space Telescope Launch (STS-31)
Apr 24 - 35th Anniversary (1970), Mao 1 Launch (1st Chinese Satellite)
MAY 2005
May 04 - Comet Tempel 1 Closest Approach To Earth (0.712 AU)
May 05 - Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak
May 14 - STS-114 "Return To Flight" Launch, Space Shuttle Discovery (International Space Station LF-1)
May 21 - Cassini, Enceladus Flyby
May 28 - Frank Drake's 75th Birthday (1930)
May 31 - European Space Agency's 30th Birthday (1975)
JUNE 2005
Jun 03 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Gemini 4 Launch, USA's First Spacewalk (Ed White)
Jun 04 - Comet Shoemaker-Levy 3 Perihelion (2.807 AU)
Jun 08 - 30th Anniversary (1975), Venera 9 Launch (Soviet Venus Orbiter/Lander)
Jun 08 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Luna 6 Launch (Soviet Moon Flyby)
Jun 08 - Giovanni Cassini's 380th Birthday (1625)
Jun 10 - Progress M1-13 Soyuz FG Launch (International Space Station 18P)
Jun 11 - 20th Anniversary (1985), Vega 1, Venus Landing/Balloon
Jun 14 - 20th Anniversary (1985), Vega 2, Venus Landing/Balloon
Jun 14 - 30th Anniversary (1975), Venera 10, Venus Landing
Jun 21 - Summer Solstice, 06:46 UT
Jun 22 - Royal Greenwich Observatory's 330th Birthday (1675)
JULY 2005
Jul ?? - STS-121 Launch, Space Shuttle Atlantis (International Space Station ULF-1.1)
Jul ?? - Cosmos (Geizer-21) Proton K Launch
Jul ?? - Yamal 203/204 Proton K Launch
Jul 02 - 15th Anniversary (1990), Giotto, Earth
Jul 02 - 20th Anniversary (1985), Giotto Launch (ESA's Comet Halley Mission) Jul 03 - Deep Impact, Impactor Release
Jul 14 - Cassini, Enceladus Flyby
Jul 14 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Mariner 4, Mars Flyby
Jul 15 - 30th Anniversary (1975), Apollo 18 Launch (Apollo-Soyuz)
Jul 16 - 15th Anniversary (1990), Badr-A Launch (1st Pakistan Satellite)
Jul 16 - 40th Anniversary (1965), 1st Proton Rocket Launch (USSR)
Jul 17 - 30th Anniversary (1975), Apollo-Soyuz Handshake
Jul 18 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Zond 3 Launch (USSR Moon Flyby)
Jul 23 - 10th Anniversary (1995), Alan Hale's & Tom Bopp's Discovery of Comet Hale-Bopp
Jul 24 - 55th Anniversary (1950), 1st Rocket Launch from Cape Canaveral (Bumper/V-2 Rocket)
Jul 29 - South Delta-Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak
Jul 30 - 395th Anniversary (1610), Galileo Observes Saturn's Rings
Aug 01 - Alpha Capricornids Meteor Shower Peak
Aug 05 - Neil Armstrong's 75th Birthday (1930)
Aug 06 - Southern Iota Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak
Aug 10 - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Atlas V Launch
Aug 12 - Perseids Meteor Shower Peak
Aug 12 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Echo 1 Launch
Aug 16 - Mars Solstice (Beginning of Northern Winter)
Aug 18 - 20th Anniversary (1985), Suisei Launch (Japan Comet Halley Mission)
Aug 19 - 45th Anniversary (1960), Sputnik 5 Launch (Carried Dogs Belka & Strelka)
Aug 20 - 30th Anniversary (1975), Viking 1 Launch (Mars Lander/Orbiter)
Aug 20 - 120th Anniversary (1885), Ernst Hartwig's Discovery of Supernova Andromeda
Aug 21 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Gemini 5 Launch (Gordon Cooper & Charles Conrad)
Aug 22 - Cassini, Titan Flyby
Aug 25 - Northern Iota Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak
Celestial & Space Exploration Events
Nov. 3, 2003 30th anniversary of Mariner 10 launch in 1973 (flyby to Venus & Mercury)
* * * * * * *
Nov. 4-7, 2003 Taurids Meteor Shower Peak
The Northern Taurids are active from mid-Oct. to early Dec. While watching the Oct. 30 meteor here in Vermont, I saw about 5 meteors in the Northeastern section of the sky. This is an old meteor stream first discovered in 1869. (See Nov. 13-19 for more meteor shower information)
* * * * * * *
Nov. 8, 2003 Lunar Eclipse
Lucky Easterners in the United States and Canada will be able to see a total lunar eclipse—meaning the entire event from start to finish. This is a 3 hour and 33 minute event, beginning at 6:09 p.m. EST and lasting until 10:28 p.m. EST. Use your "naked eyes," binoculars or a telescope.
To avoid light pollution and to see as much as possible of this event: Go to a dark area where you can see the moon--which travels East to West in the night sky as Earth rotates and revolves. Give yourself about 30 minutes for your eyes to acclimate to the darkness. If at all possible, do NOT use a white light flashlight which will interfere with your night vision. A red bulb, or red cellophane or gel over the lens will be much kinder to your eyes.
The beginning of the event occurs at 6:09 p.m. as the Moon begins to enter the outer most portion of Earth’s shadow—called the penumbra. (The penumbra will be difficult to see to the naked eye but telescopes will help)* It will be easier to see the event beginning about 6:32 p.m. when the moon begins to enter the darker, inner shadow—called the umbra.
The next total lunar eclipse that will be visible for North Americans won’t be until next year, Oct. 27-28, 2004. (There will be others visible to those in other parts of our planet.)
*(The Vermont Astronomical Society will probably be having sky viewing events where they bring multiple telescopes and help you learn more about this event.)
* * * * * * * * * * *
Nov. 13-19 Leonids Meteor Showers (Kids usually call them "shooting stars")
The Leonids will not be as spectacular as a couple of years ago, but it’s always fun to watch the meteors streak across the sky. On the 13th, the Moon will be bright as it in the gibbous phase, making it harder to see the meteors. But as the waning moon becomes a crescent on Nov. 19, it should be easier to see them beginning about 12:25 a.m. (Maximum for Vermont and the Northeast US & Canada and west to Indiana & Toronto is predicted for 2:28 a.m.)
The Leonids will appear to come out of its namesake constellation, Leo the Lion, face East and look up. The meteors will radiate out in all directions from the central point (the radiant.)
With favorable weather, and clear skies, folks might see about 10 per hour this year. (To be classified as a "meteor storm" there must be 1,000 meteors or more per hour.)
These meteors are actually caused by the Comet Temple-Tuttle as it travels through the inner part of our Solar System every 33 years. The meteors are visible to us as Earth does its daily rotation (turns) and faces into and heads into the dense, dusty debris system while revolving (moving around the sun.)
This debris is actually smaller than grains of sand, but some may be as large as a pea or marble. The debris (meteorites) will disintegrate as it enters Earth’s atmosphere.
As an analogy to use with your students: Seeing the meteors is similar to travelling in a car, truck, or van in terms of why your vehicle gets more bugs on the front windshield and bumper than on the rear windshield and bumper when you are in motion. You must be facing and heading into the bugs (or celestial comet debris.)
For those of you able to stay awake for the sky show, hope for clear skies and don’t forget to follow the childhood tradition to make a wish on the "shooting stars."
* * * * * * *
Nov 16, 2003 30th anniversary of Skylab 4 launch (1973)
* * * * * *
Nov. 18, 2003 Allan Shepard’s 80th birthday (1923)
Do your students know who he is and why we acknowledge and celebrate his birthday?
* * * * * *
Nov 22, 2003 5th Anniversary Galileo, Europa flyby (1998)
* * * * *
Nov. 23, 2003 Solar Eclipse (but only visible from Antarctica and the far Southern Hemisphere)
Fourth Quarter 2004 & 2005
20th Anniversary of Vermont Space Education Program
08 - Progress M-54 Soyuz U Launch to International Space Station (Successful)
08 - 30th Anniversary (1975), Viking 2 Launch (Mars Orbiter/Lander)
12 - Registration opens for NASA Quest Mars Analog Challenge (hot link
this phrase-don't show the direct URL http://quest.nasa.gov/challenges/marsanalog/
15 - Deadline to Send Your Name to Pluto
Sept 22 - Autumnal Equinox, 22:23 UT (Universal Time) The date (near
September 22 in the northern
hemisphere) when night and day are nearly of the same length and the
Sun crosses the celestial equator (i.e., declination 0) moving southward
(in the northern hemisphere.) The date marks the official first day
of the autumn season.
24 - John Young's 75th Birthday (1930)-He's famous-do you know who he
is and why he is an
important person? He'd be a great topic for a biographical report about
space explorers.
26 -Cassini studies Hyperion at a range of 1,010 kilometers (628 miles),
the closest approach ever to
the tiny moon. It will be Cassini's only visit to the moon during the
primary mission. (Are your students aware of the current Cassini mission
to Saturn?)
30 - 30th Anniversary (1975), Charles Kowal's Discovery of Jupiter Moon
01 - Soyuz TMA-7 Soyuz FG Launch to International Space Station 11S
04-10 - World Space Week: The theme for World Space Week 2005 is "Discovery
and Imagination."
This theme encourages participants to focus World Space Week 2005 programs
on solar system
exploration, as well as the positive impacts of space exploration on
discovery and the human
imagination. These dates were chosen to commemorate two significant
events in space history.
On October 4, 1957 Sputnik I became the first human-made satellite to
be launched into outer space. On October 10, 1967 the United Nations
Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration
and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial
Bodies went into effect. Each year World Space Week tries to encourage,
educate and support space exploration world-wide through various programs
and activities centered around a central theme.
06 - 15th Anniversary (1990), Ulysses Launch (Solar Polar Orbiter)
09 - Draconids Meteor Shower Peak (The radiant for the meteors will
have them coming from the
Northwest, to the left and above the Big Dipper and Polaris, the North
Star-by the constellation Draco.
11 - Cassini turns its instruments on Dione from a distance of 500 kilometers
(311 miles).
13 - NASA Quest webchat: Mars Analog
16 - 30th Anniversary (1975), GOES 1 Launch (1st Weather Satellite in
Geosynchronous Orbit)
Oct 17 - Partial Lunar Eclipse
21 - Orionids Meteor Shower Peak (The radiant for the meteors will have
them coming East of Orion's
belt in the constellation Orion.)
30 - Daylight Savings - Set Clock Back 1 Hour (Europe, North America)
31 - NASA Quest Mars Analog Preliminary Designs due (experts give feedback
10/31 - 11/7)
03 - Taurids Meteor Shower Peak (The Northern Taurids are active from
October 12 to December 2.
Maximum is also of long duration and extends over November 4-7. First
discovered in 1869.)
08 - 45th Anniversary (1960), Little Joe 5 Launch (Space History-What
do your students know
about the Mercury missions?)
09 - Carl Sagan's 71st Birthday (1934) --Read his book or watch the
video: Contact
14 - 36th Anniversary (1969), Apollo 12 Launch (Manned Moon Mission)
12 - 25th Anniversary (1980), Voyager 1, Saturn Flyby
17 - Leonids Meteor Shower Peak (Look East for the constellation Leo.)
21 - NASA Quest Mars Analog-final designs due and are posted on line.
26 - Cassini, Rhea Flyby (Where did the name Rhea come from? How close
will Cassini be to Rhea?)
29 - 5th Anniversary (2000), Discovery of Y000593 Meteorite (Mars Meteorite
found in Antarctica. Why is this significant?)
01 - 45th Anniversary (1960), Sputnik 6 Launch (Carried Two Dogs: Pchelka
& Mushka)
The first men and women who traveled in space - in the 1960s - depended
on the sacrifices of other animals that gave their lives for the advancement
of human knowledge about the conditions in outer space beyond this planet's
protective ozone layer, about the effects of weightlessness on living
organisms, and about the effects of stress on behavior. Preparations
for human space activities depended on the ability of animals that flew
during and after the 1940s to survive and thrive. We owe a huge debt
of gratitude to all these noble animals. This is a difficult subject-especially
for an avid animal lover like me-- but an important ethical one to research
and discuss the pros and cons.
02 - 10th Anniversary (1995), SOHO Launch (A joint mission project between
the European Space Agency and NASA to study our Sun.)
04 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Gemini 7 Launch (Frank Borman & Jim
Lovell) Do your students know the importance of these Gemini missions?
Dec 06 - NASA Quest Mars Analog-final Webcast for the project.
07 - Gerard Kuiper's 100th Birthday (1905) Do your students know who
this important person was and his significant achievements?
08 - 15th Anniversary (1990), Galileo, 1st Earth Flyby
10 - 55th Anniversary (1950), St. Louis Meteorite Fall (Hit Car)
13 - MESSENGER, Deep Space Maneuver #1 (DSM-1) A NASA orbital mission
to learn more about Mercury.
13 - Geminids Meteor Shower Peak (Look East by the stars Castor and
Pollux; to the left of Betelgeuse.)
21 - Winter Solstice, 18:35 UT
22 - Ursids Meteor Shower Peak (Look North, just below and to the right
of Polaris, the North Star)
How many of Uranus' moons were discovered 20 years ago? (January 1986)
01 - 205th Anniversary (1801), Guiseppe Piazzi's Discovery of the First
Asteroid (Ceres)
02 - Isaac Asimov's 86th Birthday (1920) --Read one of his MANY books.
02 - Leslie Peltier's 106th Birthday (1900) --Have students research
to find out about her.
Jan 03 - Quadrantids Meteor Shower Peak (Look Northeast, below the Big
03 - 20th Anniversary (1986), Stephen Synnott's Discovery of Uranus
Moons Juliet & Portia
06 - Comet Shoemaker-Levy 7 Closest Approach to Earth
09 - 6th Anniversary (1990), STS-32 Columbia Launch (LDEF Satellite)
--Tomato Seeds flew into space; what else was on LDEF? How long was
LDEF in orbit? What happened to LDEF? Plant some of the Tomato Seeds
from Space.
10 - Robert Wilson's 70th Birthday (1936) Why is this significant?
15 - Stardust, Capsule Return to Earth (This is exciting! If this is
a successful return and retrieval, then what more will we learn from
the comet samples?)
19 - 166th Anniversary (1840), Discovery of Antarctica (Learn about
Mars meteorites found here-or explorations, including the use of sled
dog teams. Have Atii Sled Dogs come visit your students.)
20 - Buzz Aldrin's 76th Birthday (1930) -- Do your students know who
he is?
24 - 20th Anniversary (1986), Voyager 2, Uranus Flyby
28 - 20th Anniversary (1986), Space Shuttle Challenger Tragedy. Barbara
R. Morgan, the back up space flight teacher participant for Christa
McAuliffe (both from NASA's Teacher in Space Program), is now a fully
trained astronaut and official member of NASA's Astronaut Corps. Morgan
has numerous assignments and is training for her flight to the International
Space Station-hopefully during 2006 or 2007.
29 - Chinese New Year--Do your students know the connection and history
of fireworks and rockets?
31 - 35th Anniversary (1971), Apollo 13 Launch (3rd Manned Moon Landing)
31 - 40th Anniversary (1966), Luna 9 Launch (USSR Moon Lander)
31 - 45th Anniversary (1961), Mercury-Redstone 2 Launch (Ham the Chimpanzee)
03 - 40th Anniversary (1966), Luna 9 Landing on the Moon (1st Moon Landing)
Feb 04 - Clyde Tombaugh's 100th Birthday (1906) Discovered Pluto-among
many other important contributions to astronomy.
06 - 15th Anniversary (1991), Salyut-7 Planned burn up In Earth's Atmosphere
(Soviet Union Space Station)
11 - 10th Anniversary (1996), Saturn Ring Plane Crossing (3 of 3) During
a ring plane crossing when the rings appear "edge-on" to Earth,
the glare from the rings is reduced considerably, and faint objects
near Saturn are easier to see. Many of Saturn's moons have been discovered
during ring plane crossing events.
20 - 20th Anniversary (1986), Mir Space Station Launch
22 - Progress M-56 Soyuz FG Launch (International Space Station 21P)
Progress will bring supplies to the ISS orbiting crew members.
22 - 45th Anniversary (1966), Kosmos 110 Launch (Carried Two Dogs: Veterok
& Ugolvok)
27 - Cassini, Titan Flyby
MARCH 2006
06 - 20th Anniversary (1986), Vega 1, Comet Halley Flyby
09 - 45th Anniversary (1961), Sputnik 9 Launch (Carried Dog Named Chernushka)
10- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Mars Orbit Insertions
13 - 225th Anniversary (1781), William Herschel's Discovery of Uranus
Mar 14 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
16 - 40th Anniversary (1966), Gemini 9 Launch (Neil Armstrong &
David Scott)
16 - 80th Anniversary (1926), 1st Liquid Fuel Rocket Launch by Robert
18 - 41st Anniversary (1965), 1st Spacewalk, Leonov on Voskhod 2
19 - Cassini, Titan Flyby
Mar 20 - Vernal Equinox, 18:26 UT
22 - Soyuz TMA-8 Soyuz FG Launch (International Space Station 12S)
25 - 10th Anniversary (1996), Comet Hyakutake Near-Earth Flyby
25 - 45th Anniversary (1961), Sputnik 10 Launch (Carried Dog Named Zyezdochka)
APRIL 2005
02 - Daylight Saving - Set Clock Ahead 1 Hour
05 - 15th Anniversary (1991), Compton Gamma Ray Observatory Launch
11 - 36th Anniversary (1970), Apollo 13 Launch (Have students read the
book by astronaut Jim Lovell-or pull out the Tom Hank's video. Have
the students do some hands on problem solving just like the crew did.
"Failure is not an option.")
Apr 12 - 25th Anniversary (1981), 1st Space Shuttle Launch (Robert Crippen
& John Young)
12 - 45th Anniversary (1961), 1st Person in Space, Yuri Gagarin (USSR)
17 - 30th Anniversary (1976), Closest Ever Flyby of the Sun by Spacecraft
(Helios 2)
19 - 35th Anniversary (1971), Salyut 1 Launch (1st Space Station)
22 - Lyrids Meteor Shower Peak. Look towards the Northeast, in the constellation
Lyra, above and to the right of Cygnus the Swan (the Northern Cross.)
24 - 16th Anniversary (1990), Hubble Space Telescope Launch (STS-31)
30 - Cassini, Titan Flyby
?? - STS-115 Launch, Space Shuttle Atlantis, MEPSI 3A & 3B, (International
Space Station 12A)
1-7- International Astronomy Week
05 - Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak (Look between the East and Southeast
portion of the sky below Altair.)
05 - 45th Anniversary (1961), Freedom 7 Launch (Alan Shepard, 1st US
Man in Space)
6 - International Astronomy Day
20 - Cassini, Titan Flyby
25 - 5th Anniversary (2001), Galileo, Callisto 30 Flyby
25 - 45th Anniversary (1961), John F. Kennedy's Moon Goal Speech (Have
your students heard this historic, motivational, inspirational speech?)
30 - 35th Anniversary (1971), Mariner 9 Launch (USA Mars Orbiter)
30 - 40th Anniversary (1966), Surveyor 1 Launch (USA Moon Lander)
?? - Lunar Trail Blazer Dnepr 1 Launch (Commerical Moon Orbiter-US private
company and Russian private space company agreement for first commercial
moon orbiter mission)
03 - 40th Anniversary (1966), Gemini 9 Launch (Thomas Stafford &
Eugene Cernan)
03 - 41st Anniversary (1965), Gemini 4 Launch, USA's First Spacewalk
(Ed White)
21 - Summer Solstice, 12:26 UT
22 - 30th Anniversary (1976), Salyut 5 Launch (USSR Space Station)
27 - 10th Anniversary (1996), Galileo, Ganymede 1 Flyby
30 - 35th Anniversary (1971), Death of 3 Cosmonauts in Soyuz 11
JULY 2006
01 - Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum's 30th Birthday (1976)
(This is a great place to visit!)
13 - ?? STS-117 Launch, Space Shuttle Endeavour, International Space
Station 13A
18 - 40th Anniversary (1966), Gemini 10 Launch (John Young & Michael
20 - 30th Anniversary (1976), Viking 1, Mars Landing
21 - 45th Anniversary (1961), Mercury 4 Launch (Gus Grissom, Liberty
Bell 7)
26 - 35th Anniversary (1971), Apollo 15 Launch (4th Manned Moon Landing)
29 - South Delta-Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak (Look up between the Southeast
and South part of the sky.)
30 - 5th Anniversary (2001), MAP, Moon Flyby
?? - STS-116 Launch, Space Shuttle Discovery (International Space Station
05 - Neil Armstrong's 76th Birthday (1930) Do your students know who
he is?
06 - Southern Iota Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak
07 - 10th Anniversary (1996), Announcement of Possible Microfossils
Found in ALH84001 Martian Meteorite
10 - 40th Anniversary (1966), Lunar Orbiter 1 Launch
12 - Perseids Meteor Shower Peak (Face the Northeast and look above
and to the left of the Pleiades constellation.)
16 - Mars Solstice (Beginning of Northern Winter)
17 - 40th Anniversary (1966) Pioneer 7 Launch
19 - Orville Wright's 135th Birthday (1871)
25 - Northern Iota Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak
26 - 25th Anniversary (1981), Voyager 2, Saturn Flyby
03 - 30th Anniversary (1976), Viking 2, Mars Landing
07 - Partial Lunar Eclipse
08 - 40th Anniversary (1966), 1st Star Trek Episode on TV (A great time
to begin the new school year with a unit contrasting science fiction
and science fact through literature.)
12 - 40th Anniversary (1966), Gemini 11 Launch (Charles Conrad and Richard
15 - 15th Anniversary (1991), UARS Launch from Space Shuttle Discovery
(Have students learn about the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite and
its modern day equivalent. Research global warming studies, related
changes in weather patterns, and more.)
22 - Annular Solar Eclipse
22 - Autumnal Equinox, 04:03 UT
23 - 160th Anniversary (1846), Johann Galle's Discovery of Neptune
Sept 20 - Mars Solstice (Beginning of Northern Summer)
Sept 21 - 30th Anniversary (1974), Mariner 10, 2nd Mercury Flyby
Sept 21 - Gustav Holst's 130th Birthday (1874)
Sept 22 - Autumnal Equinox, 16:30 UT
Sept 29 - SpaceShipOne Launch F-2 (2nd Private Manned Space Flight),
Oct 3 - Space Ship One Launch-Burt Rutan's spacecraft wins $10M Xprize
as first human flight spacecraft into space consecutive times
Oct 4-10 - World Space Week
Oct 9 - Draconids Meteor Shower Peaks
Oct 14 - Partial Solar Eclipse-visible from Alaska, Russia, Pacific
Oct 21 - Orionids Meteor Shower Peaks
Oct 23 - Soyuz TNA-5-Returns to Earth from ISS
Oct 26 - DART Pegasus XL Launch
Cassini, 1st targeted Tital Flyby
Oct 27 - Lunar Eclipse
Oct 29 - Oblik Soyuz 2-1A Launch to ISS
Oct 31 - Daylight Saving-Set Clock Back 1 Hour
Nov 03 - Taurids Meteor Shower Peak
Nov 09 - Carl Sagan's 70th Birthday (1934) --Read his book or watch
the video: Contact
Nov 14 - 35th Anniversary (1969), Apollo 12 Launch (Manned Moon Mission)
Nov 15 - SMART-1, Moon Orbit Insertion
Nov 17 - Leonids Meteor Shower Peak
Nov 20 - Edwin Hubble's 115th Birthday (1889) --Good research project.
Who is he? What were his achievments?
Nov 26 - 5th Anniversary (1999), Galileo Io 25 Flyby
Nov 28 - 40th Anniversary (1964), Mariner 4 Launch (Mars Flyby Mission)
Dec 02 - 30th Anniversary (1974), Pioneer 11, Jupiter Flyby
Dec 03 - 100th Anniversary (1904), Charles Perrine's Discovery of Himalia
(Jupiter Moon)
Dec 10 - 20th Anniversary (1984), Claxton Meteorite Fall (Hit Mailbox)
Dec 10 - 30th Anniversary (1974), Helios 1 Launch (Solar Orbiter
Dec 13 - Cassini, 2nd Titan Flyby
Dec 13 - Geminids Meteor Shower Peak
Dec 13 - Sir William Hunter McCrea's 100th Birthday (1904)
Dec 15 - 20th Anniversary (1984), Vega 1 Launch (Soviet Venus/Comet
Halley Mission)
Dec 20 - Mt. Wilson Solar Observatory's 100th Birthday (1904)
Dec 21 - Winter Solstice, 12:42 UT
Dec 22 - Ursids Meteor Shower Peak
Dec 23 - Progress M-51 Soyuz U Launch (International Space Station 16P)
Dec 23 - Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 3 Closest Approach To Earth (1.947 AU)
Dec 24 - Cassini, Huygens Probe Release
Dec 26 - 30th Anniversary (1974), Salyut 4 Launch (Soviet Space Station)
Dec 27 - 20th Anniversary (1984), Discovery of ALH 84001 (Mars Meteorite)
Dec 27 - 100th Anniversary (1904), Max Wolf's Discovery of Asteroid
553 Kundry
Dec 28 - Maarten Schmidt's 75th Birthday (1929)
Dec 31 - Robert Aiken's 140th Birthday (1864)
Jan 02 - Isaac Asimov's 85th Birthday (1920) --Read one of his MANY
Jan 02 - Leslie Peltier's 105th Birthday (1900) --Have students research
to find out who she is.
Jan 03 - Quadrantids Meteor Shower Peak
Jan 05 - 100th Anniversary (1905), Charles Perrine's Discovery of Jupiter
Moon Elara
Jan 05 - Asteroid 2001 Einstein Closest Approach To Earth (1.154 AU)
Jan 05 - Asteroid 2069 Hubble Closest Approach To Earth (1.646 AU)
Jan 06 -20th Anniversary (1985), La Criolla Meteorite Fall (Hit House)
Jan 07 -395th Anniversary (1610), Galileo Galilei's Discovery of Jupiter
Moons Io, Europa and Callisto
Jan 09 - 15th Anniversary (1990), STS-32 Columbia Launch (LDEF Satellite)
--Tomato Seeds flew into space; what else was on LDEF? How long was
LDEF in orbit? What happened to LDEF?
Jan 11 - 395th Anniversary (1610), Galileo Galilei's Discovery of Jupiter
Moon Ganymede
Jan 14 - Huygens Probe Lands on Titan
Jan 14 - Cassini, Titan Flyby
Jan 19 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Gemini 2 launch (Unmanned Suborbital
Jan 19 - 165th Anniversary (1840), Discovery of Antarctica
Jan 20 - Buzz Aldrin's 75th Birthday (1930) -- Do your students know
who he is?
Jan 24 - 15th Anniversary (1990), Hiten Launch (Japan Moon Orbiter)
Feb 09 - Chinese New Year--Do your students know the connection
history of fireworks and rockets?
Feb 09 - 15th Anniversary (1990), Galileo, Venus Flyby
Feb 11 - 35th Anniversary (1970), Ohsumi Launch (Japan's 1st Satellite)
Feb 14 - 5th Anniversary (2000), NEAR, Asteroid Eros Orbit Insertion
Feb 14 - 15th Anniversary (1990), Voyager 1, Family Portrait Images
Feb 15 - Cassini, Titan Flyby
Feb 15 - Venus Passes 0.9 Degrees From Neptune
Feb 15 - Comet Tempel 2 Perihelion (1.427 AU)
Feb 17 - Cassini, Enceladus Non-Targeted Flyby
Feb 17 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Ranger 8 Launch (Moon Impact Mission)
Feb 18 - 75th Anniversary (1930), Clyde Tombaugh's Discovery of Pluto
Feb 28 - Progress M1-12 Soyuz FG Launch (International Space Station
Mar 04 - Giovanni Schiaparelli's 170th Birthday (1835)
Mar 08 - 100th Anniversary (1905), Max Wolf's Discovery of Asteroid
559 Nanon--Have students research Max Wolf. How many asteroids did he
discover? Any other discoveries made by him?
Mar 11 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Pioneer 5 Launch (Solar Orbiter)
Mar 13 - Percival Lowell's 150th Birthday (1855)
Mar 16 - 30th Anniversary (1975), Mariner 10, 3rd Mercury Flyby
Mar 17 - Jim Irwin's 75th Birthday (1930) --Do your students (or you)
know who this is?
Mar 18 - 25th Anniversary (1980), Soviet Rocket Launch Explosion (48
Mar 18 - 40th Anniversary (1965), 1st Spacewalk, Leonov On Voskhod 2
Mar 20 - Vernal Equinox, 12:33 UT
Mar 21 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Ranger 9 Launch (Moon Impact Mission)
Mar 22 - Mars Equinox (Beginning of Northern Fall)
Mar 23 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Gemini 3 Launch (Virgil Grissom, John
Mar 25 -[Oct 11] Cryosat Rokot-KM Launch
Mar 25 - 350th Anniversary (1655), Christiaan Huygens' Discovery of
Saturn Moon Titan
Mar 29 - Cassini, Enceladus Flyby
Mar 31 - Cassini, Titan Flyby
Apr 01 - 45th Anniversary (1960), Tiros 1 Launch (1st Weather Satellite)
Apr 03 - Daylight Saving - Set Clock Ahead 1 Hour (North America)
Apr 04 - American Rocket Society's 75th Birthday (1930)
Apr 06 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Intelsat 1 Launch (1st Commercial
Communications Satellite)
Apr 08 - Hybrid Solar Eclipse (Visible From Pacific Ocean, Central America)
Apr 11 - 35th Anniversary (1970), Apollo 13 Launch
Apr 11-17 - Astronomy Week
Apr 13 - 45th Anniversary (1960), Transit 1B Launch (1st Experimental
Navigation Satellite)
Apr 15 - Soyuz TMA-6 Soyuz FG Launch (International Space Stations 11S)
Apr 15 - CloudSat/Calipso Delta 2 Launch
Apr 16 - Astronomy Day
Apr 16 - Cassini, Titan Flyby
Apr 22 - Lyrids Meteor Shower Peak
Apr 24 - Lunar Eclipse
Apr 24 - 15th Anniversary (1990), Hubble Space Telescope Launch (STS-31)
Apr 24 - 35th Anniversary (1970), Mao 1 Launch (1st Chinese Satellite)
May 04 - Comet Tempel 1 Closest Approach To Earth (0.712 AU)
May 05 - Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak
May 14 - STS-114 "Return To Flight" Launch, Space Shuttle
Discovery (International Space Station LF-1)
May 21 - Cassini, Enceladus Flyby
May 28 - Frank Drake's 75th Birthday (1930)
May 31 - European Space Agency's 30th Birthday (1975)
Jun 03 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Gemini 4 Launch, USA's First Spacewalk
(Ed White)
Jun 04 - Comet Shoemaker-Levy 3 Perihelion (2.807 AU)
Jun 08 - 30th Anniversary (1975), Venera 9 Launch (Soviet Venus Orbiter/Lander)
Jun 08 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Luna 6 Launch (Soviet Moon Flyby)
Jun 08 - Giovanni Cassini's 380th Birthday (1625)
Jun 10 - Progress M1-13 Soyuz FG Launch (International Space Station
Jun 11 - 20th Anniversary (1985), Vega 1, Venus Landing/Balloon
Jun 14 - 20th Anniversary (1985), Vega 2, Venus Landing/Balloon
Jun 14 - 30th Anniversary (1975), Venera 10, Venus Landing
Jun 21 - Summer Solstice, 06:46 UT
Jun 22 - Royal Greenwich Observatory's 330th Birthday (1675)
Jul ?? - STS-121 Launch, Space Shuttle Atlantis (International Space
Station ULF-1.1)
Jul ?? - Cosmos (Geizer-21) Proton K Launch
Jul ?? - Yamal 203/204 Proton K Launch
Jul 02 - 15th Anniversary (1990), Giotto, Earth
Jul 02 - 20th Anniversary (1985), Giotto Launch (ESA's Comet Halley
Mission) Jul 03 - Deep Impact, Impactor Release
Jul 14 - Cassini, Enceladus Flyby
Jul 14 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Mariner 4, Mars Flyby
Jul 15 - 30th Anniversary (1975), Apollo 18 Launch (Apollo-Soyuz)
Jul 16 - 15th Anniversary (1990), Badr-A Launch (1st Pakistan Satellite)
Jul 16 - 40th Anniversary (1965), 1st Proton Rocket Launch (USSR)
Jul 17 - 30th Anniversary (1975), Apollo-Soyuz Handshake
Jul 18 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Zond 3 Launch (USSR Moon Flyby)
Jul 23 - 10th Anniversary (1995), Alan Hale's & Tom Bopp's Discovery
of Comet Hale-Bopp
Jul 24 - 55th Anniversary (1950), 1st Rocket Launch from Cape Canaveral
(Bumper/V-2 Rocket)
Jul 29 - South Delta-Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak
Jul 30 - 395th Anniversary (1610), Galileo Observes Saturn's Rings
Aug 01 - Alpha Capricornids Meteor Shower Peak
Aug 05 - Neil Armstrong's 75th Birthday (1930)
Aug 06 - Southern Iota Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak
Aug 10 - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Atlas V Launch
Aug 12 - Perseids Meteor Shower Peak
Aug 12 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Echo 1 Launch
Aug 16 - Mars Solstice (Beginning of Northern Winter)
Aug 18 - 20th Anniversary (1985), Suisei Launch (Japan Comet Halley
Aug 19 - 45th Anniversary (1960), Sputnik 5 Launch (Carried Dogs Belka
& Strelka)
Aug 20 - 30th Anniversary (1975), Viking 1 Launch (Mars Lander/Orbiter)
Aug 20 - 120th Anniversary (1885), Ernst Hartwig's Discovery of Supernova
Aug 21 - 40th Anniversary (1965), Gemini 5 Launch (Gordon Cooper &
Charles Conrad)
Aug 22 - Cassini, Titan Flyby
Aug 25 - Northern Iota Aquarids Meteor Shower Peak
& Space Exploration Events
3, 2003 30th anniversary of Mariner 10 launch in 1973
(flyby to Venus & Mercury)
* * * * * *
4-7, 2003 Taurids Meteor Shower Peak
Northern Taurids are active from mid-Oct. to early Dec. While watching
the Oct. 30 meteor here in Vermont, I saw about 5 meteors in the Northeastern
section of the sky. This is an old meteor stream first discovered in
1869. (See Nov. 13-19 for more meteor shower information)
* * * * * *
8, 2003 Lunar Eclipse
Easterners in the United States and Canada will be able to see a total
lunar eclipse—meaning the entire event from start to finish. This is
a 3 hour and 33 minute event, beginning at 6:09 p.m. EST and lasting
until 10:28 p.m. EST. Use your "naked eyes," binoculars or
a telescope.
avoid light pollution and to see as much as possible of this event:
Go to a dark area where you can see the moon--which travels East to
West in the night sky as Earth rotates and revolves. Give yourself about
30 minutes for your eyes to acclimate to the darkness. If at all possible,
do NOT use a white light flashlight which will interfere with your night
vision. A red bulb, or red cellophane or gel over the lens will be much
kinder to your eyes.
beginning of the event occurs at 6:09 p.m. as the Moon begins to enter
the outer most portion of Earth’s shadow—called the penumbra. (The penumbra
will be difficult to see to the naked eye but telescopes will help)*
It will be easier to see the event beginning about 6:32 p.m. when the
moon begins to enter the darker, inner shadow—called the umbra.
next total lunar eclipse that will be visible for North Americans won’t
be until next year, Oct. 27-28, 2004. (There will be others visible
to those in other parts of our planet.)
Vermont Astronomical Society will probably be having sky viewing events
where they bring multiple telescopes and help you learn more about this
* * * * * * * * * *
13-19 Leonids Meteor Showers (Kids usually call them "shooting
Leonids will not be as spectacular as a couple of years ago, but it’s
always fun to watch the meteors streak across the sky. On the 13th,
the Moon will be bright as it in the gibbous phase, making it harder
to see the meteors. But as the waning moon becomes a crescent on Nov.
19, it should be easier to see them beginning about 12:25 a.m. (Maximum
for Vermont and the Northeast US & Canada and west to Indiana &
Toronto is predicted for 2:28 a.m.)
Leonids will appear to come out of its namesake constellation, Leo the
Lion, face East and look up. The meteors will radiate out in all directions
from the central point (the radiant.)
favorable weather, and clear skies, folks might see about 10 per hour
this year. (To be classified as a "meteor storm" there must
be 1,000 meteors or more per hour.)
meteors are actually caused by the Comet Temple-Tuttle as it travels
through the inner part of our Solar System every 33 years. The meteors
are visible to us as Earth does its daily rotation (turns) and faces
into and heads into the dense, dusty debris system while revolving (moving
around the sun.)
debris is actually smaller than grains of sand, but some may be as large
as a pea or marble. The debris (meteorites) will disintegrate as it
enters Earth’s atmosphere.
an analogy to use with your students: Seeing the meteors is similar
to travelling in a car, truck, or van in terms of why your vehicle gets
more bugs on the front windshield and bumper than on the rear windshield
and bumper when you are in motion. You must be facing and heading into
the bugs (or celestial comet debris.)
those of you able to stay awake for the sky show, hope for clear skies
and don’t forget to follow the childhood tradition to make a wish on
the "shooting stars."
* * * * * *
16, 2003 30th anniversary of Skylab 4 launch (1973)
* * * * *
18, 2003 Allan Shepard’s 80th birthday (1923)
your students know who he is and why we acknowledge and celebrate his
* * * * *
22, 2003 5th Anniversary Galileo, Europa flyby (1998)
* * * *
23, 2003 Solar Eclipse (but only visible from Antarctica and the far
Southern Hemisphere)
will the temperatures be like in Antarctica for the scientists there
who might want to go outdoors and do safe viewing of the eclipse?
Space Education Program
Space Lady Enterprises
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